About Test And Tag Standards Australia – TATSA
TATSA is a specialist test and tagging training business offering test and tag training courses since 2015.
What We Do At TATSA?
Our core function is to assist people to achieve and maintain their test and tag competency.
How We Do It?
Rather than offer generic “cooky cutter” style courses that provide only the bare minimum skill set, we research, write and deliver our own courses. These training courses provide students with real skills and knowledge that can immediately be use in the real world.
We can do this because our head tutor, John Blackburn, has in-the-field test and tagging experience since 2007. He is recognised as an expert in test and tagging. John has crawled under desks in corporate offices, shivered on building sites, sweltered in workshops and tagged all sorts of appliances. His 17 years of running a full-time contracting business gives him a rare insights into the real life problems and issues you will face once you start doing your own testing and tagging.
Quality Training
We offer a range of competencies suitable for those doing a handful of appliances in their workplace through to those wanting to start their own test and tag contracting business.
Our unique training program doesn’t require students to have any prior electrical qualification but still fulfils the needs of those who have. We teach you everything you need to know.
We are not an RTO and do not provide nationally accredited courses, however we believe our courses and Life Time Support Program deliver a far better outcome for students.
Why We Do It?
That’s easy… we love it. We love teaching people new skills and coming up with ways to make the complex easy to understand.
Check out the test tag course reviews from some of our past students.
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